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Festival ROTA – Residency period: June 2024

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Valentina Risi. Licenciada en “Comunicación Audiovisual” en Pisa, Italia. Actualmente trabaja en el mundo de la música como cantante, guitarrista y electrónica y forma parte del proyecto cultural Konvent. Desde siempre ha estado en contacto con la música, participando en diversos proyectos y colaboraciones relacionadas con la bossanova, música folk, sudamericana y griega. En 2017 entra en el mundo de la electrónica y la producción musical, empezando a producir sus propias canciones hasta culminar en proyectos como Valentina & The Electric Post (pop electrónico), Coconauta (electrónica experimental y DJ), Cortexx (música y visuales) o Substancia Cremada, donde trabaja el proceso de sonorización de piezas cerámica y la posterior puesta en escena a través de la voz y el procesamiento del sonido. 

Project in Blanca

My proposal focuses on the creation of a sound performance that fuses electronic music, visual projections, poetry and body work. I am interested in the multiplicity of voices overlapped to electronic IDM bases. For this I will use tools such as voice synthesizer to produce choral voices, synthesizers and software to compose and produce the music.
Each piece will incorporate poems in different languages, such as Italian, English and a fictitious language. I want to work on the deconstruction of language and the dissolution of meanings, using the sound of the voice as a mere instrument, based on reflections of William S. Burroughs or Laurie Anderson. I want to investigate how the use of a fictitious language blurs the act of singing. The poems will be visually projected with the fusion of images of the landscape surrounding the residence. My intention is for the poems to be influenced by the landscape and this opens a new field of research for me. Incorporating the soundscape of the territory in my compositions is something I have always wanted and for which I feel I need some external impulse from specialized agents in the field.

I am also interested in delving into creation in a trans-disciplinary way. To create spaces where the forms of expression are blurred. I would like to create a multisensory experience that leaves reason aside and amplifies the senses.

My goal during the residency in Blanca is to develop this proposal, leaving me perrera by the territory and merging my creative universe with the landscape to give rise to a new language that I do not yet know. Questions arise: how to make pop-electronic songs dialogue with a rural landscape? what do the mountains and the desert bring to my intimate poems? what does my voice sound like over the sounds of a river?

https://aadk.es/valentina-risi-aka-coconauta/feed/?lang=en 0
Diane Barbé https://aadk.es/diane-barbe/?lang=en https://aadk.es/diane-barbe/?lang=en#respond Fri, 19 Jul 2024 10:25:33 +0000 https://aadk.es/?p=11559

Festival ROTA – June 2024

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Diane Barbé explores the intersections of ecology and experimental music, working with field recording as much as with synthesis, flutes and acoustic instruments. Her work delves into the manifold practices of musicking, crafting acoustic instruments with salvaged materials, developing ensembles of non-musicians in various countries and holding space for alternative music education.

Her next album comes out in 2023 with First Terrace Records, which features The Alien Kin, a growing ensemble of handmade whistles, flutes, clay vessels and sound makers, used to explore the playful spaces of interspecies communication, non- standardized tunings, and collective synchronisation. In 2022, Diane released the field recording album “a conference of critters”, recorded in Thailand during the pandemic, with the label forms of minutiae.

Diane collaborates with Laure Boer on the radical improvisation duo Arbore that opens onto drone, noise, lullabies, and technoid evocations of witchcraft. She has performed solo in experimental music festivals and venues like INA-GRM Paris, Nachtdigital and Documenta15 in Germany, AADK Spain, Ankali in Prague, and Maerz Musik in Berlin; she has taught in higher-education institutions like the Conservatoire de Musique de Marseille, Hildesheim Arts University, and Berlin’s Universität der Künste.

She has created environmental music instruments, sound pieces and installations at Floating University Berlin, Grabowsee in Brandenburg, the Raddusch biosphere in the Spreewald, the St Marthe quarry in Marseille, Global Forest in the Black Forest, and the biological research station of Kilpisjärvi in the Finnish arctic, always focusing on listening as a primordial practice of sounding.

https://aadk.es/diane-barbe/feed/?lang=en 0
Guely Morató Loredo Bolivia https://aadk.es/guely-morato-loredo-bolivia/?lang=en https://aadk.es/guely-morato-loredo-bolivia/?lang=en#respond Fri, 19 Jul 2024 10:13:53 +0000 https://aadk.es/?p=11556

Festival ROTA – Residency period: June 2024

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Curator, artist and researcher.

Winner of CIFO x Ars Electronica Awards 2024. Curator of The Listening Biennial (2023). Head researcher of the ALTER residency, a mountain laboratory specializing in solutions for the period of cultural, climate and energy transition held in the Swiss Alps (2022). During 2021 she was the head researcher of the Bolivian team participating in The Witness_Openlab, annual research laboratory focusing on the anthropocene and the human footprint on the planet. She led the Gender, Science and Technology Observatory (2019-2022). She led the Medialab at the Cultural Center of Spain in La Paz (2019). She is currently curator of Wak’a, a project that involves several communities and creators who reflect on extractivism, sacredness and deep listening in the Lithium Triangle. 

Since 2014 she founds and directs Sonandes: Platform for Experimentation and Research, which organizes the only biennial specialized in sound art in Latin America, Puertos: Residency Program, laboratories, exhibitions and projects specialized in sound art and listening.

https://aadk.es/guely-morato-loredo-bolivia/feed/?lang=en 0