Victor Baladoch

Victor Baladoch

Festival ROTA – Residency period: June 2024

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her / she

Born in Rubí, between 2009 and 2015 she trained in various specialisations in still photography in Barcelona. During this period she collaborates with different artists and develops her interest in image and audiovisual arts in editorial, musical and cinematographic projects, working in parallel with personal projects.

In 2017 he moved to Bilbao, where he studied the Master’s Degree in Author’s Photography at the Centro de Foto- grafía Contemporánea de Bilbao. In 2018 she won the first Screen prize at the Festival Internacional de Fotografía de Autor La Nuu with her audiovisual. Since 2014 he has been holding exhibitions and performances throughout Spain, including Bidaia Bakartia (2019-Act.), a sound performance that has been seen in Konvent Zero (Berga), Barcelona, Bilbao, Donosti, Mallorca and Malaga, among other cities.

Between 2020 and 2022 he teaches and mentors documentary film projects, experimental film, narrative and analogue processes at the Escuela de Creación Cinematográfica de Bilbao.

During 2022 and 2023 he co-founded the Errática Cultural Association in the city of Bilbao, where he teaches courses and workshops at the Errática Creation Space and builds, from the association, new cultural initiatives focused on experimental art as well as artistic residencies.

In 2024 he founded Nada Eterna, his most recent project, a platform linked to sound, visual and performance art. At the same time, he continues to develop personal projects in the field of image, sound and performance.

The project in Blanca

My artistic career fluctuates in the interdisciplinary creation between sound, visual, performative and work generated by mixed techniques, in all areas, with analytical and digital tools with special interest in the development, the creative process and the exhibition of the material-palpable. All this from an intimate, existentialist, visceral and experiential point of view. Acting in an empirical, impulsive, erratic and even at times improvised way towards a personal-collective dialogue.

For this residency at AADK I wish to let this intrinsic journey flow in me, and develop in a self-transgressive way, the sound and performative action to build new ways of expression not yet acquired.

I want to work with the environment of the place to obtain new sounds and generate new ways of manipulation beyond the magnetic cassette tape (further developed) and develop new ways of generating analog loops such as the development of experiments with turntables/vinyls and/or the creation of tools/instrument to build soundscapes and frequency repetitions for the creations and performative exhibitions.