Ibrahim Owais

Ibrahim Owais

Festival ROTA – Residency period: June 2024

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Ibrahim Owais, is a producer, curator, sound artist, founder of Recordat, and one part of Radio AlHara. Currently based between Bethlehem and Berlin where he is working at the Wonder Cabinet in Palestine shaping together with the team the sound component and producing performances while experimenting with art projects. His work revolves around designing, developing, and creating cross-media experiences for both digital and physical spaces. 

He specializes in creating spatial sound performances and immersive space projects that utilize sound, architecture, and science to fabricate imaginary environments. As a sound artist, he focuses on the intersection of these elements to bring new experiences to life.

Whether it’s a DJ set or a sound performance his sound is in constant change, evolving with time and resonating in space. Owais uses Dj tools as instruments combining improvisational elements to create soundscapes and form cinematic sonic narratives.