mirrored fatality

mirrored fatality

Residency Programme : January 2022

Surviving as full-time artists and farmers, it is extremely
sacred when we aren’t working and can spend quality time with one another and be completely present and immersed in the Earth.

We hiked a bridge to nowhere and at the end were metal locks scratched with names to symbolize eternal love. We gazed at a vale in the middle forest mountains with a river vortex flowing to nourish the four corners of the farming town: Blanca, Murcia, Spain with its abundant lemons, grapes, olives, and oranges. Down below were dogs, baby sharks, ducks, butterflies, and murmurations. After a bath and ceremony to cleanse our(cells), VALE was born. VALE is a trans + queer tale honoring the world building created when moments of reciprocal, trusting, and sacred love for our lovers and the land we farm are prioritized and fought for. VALE contains field recordings of our immersion in Blanca, Murcia, Spain during our residency at AADK Spain: the church bell that rings every hour, New Years celebration, King’s Day parade, farms, climbing the top of Valle de Ricote, and the industrial dam at the center of Blanca.

the valley opens
when two mountains kiss
and erupt saliva in four directions.

we are lovers
and our slime erodes barriers.
we build shrines in our eyes
and offer ribs onto altars.

in soaked beds,
we are harvesting
an undoing of what once was.
the world regenerates.