A Dream Together / Tanzkongress 2019, on the bodies of 2020

A Dream Together / Tanzkongress 2019, on the bodies of 2020

The Tanzkongress 2019, curated by Meg Stuart and her team, was based on
creating a context for “A long lasting affair”. “A Dream Together” comes along as a feature film, puzzling the actions and thoughts from the five days gathering in Hellerau – Europäisches Zentrum der Künste, where The Tanzkongress took place.

People of very diverse origins and backgrounds gathered together, whose common interests are the arts of the body. Beyond and because of their disciplines, these bodies are social, political, psychological, technological and moving in specific places and systems with specific rules and potentials. These circumstances trigger the need to discuss, to break, to reinvent together and be bodily present.

“A Dream Together” is a suggestive point of view, an experimental film, exploring the discourse through the meeting of the bodies.
“A Dream Together” is an attempt of the artist Abraham Hurtado to portray how bodies touch what words cannot reach, and that dreaming together can be the engine to start “A long lasting affair”.

Tanzkongress 2019 – A Long Lasting Affair is an event by the German Federal Cultural
Foundation in cooperation with HELLERAU – European Centre for the Arts, Goethe-Institut and
DIEHL+RITTER Supported by the City of Dresden and the Free State of Saxony
DOWN BY THE WATER is supported by the Federal Agency for Civic Education/bpb

Artistic Direction: Meg Stuart