Adam Roigart / Lindsay Hopkins

Adam Roigart / Lindsay Hopkins

The Territory of Living

Lindsay and Adam come to Centro Negra to explore the relationship between the material and immaterial worlds, trying to find a way to incorporate the language of both.
The body is Lindsay’s realm of work, through performance and healing, while Adam focuses on space and landscape; in this quest they trace the imprint that events contain on the body, as well as incorporate experiences and intentions into the material world.
They try to dissipate the dichotomies between masculine and feminine, body and mind, energy and matter; to show us a universe of interdependent relationships.

The Territory of Living investigates how we shape the spaces we inhabit, and how to rethink the relationship with our bodies, the natural environment, and our daily activity in those spaces. Many of us would like to be more connected to nature and the places around us, but we live busy lives of community and consumption. Lindsay and Adam are interested in creating a space to participate in that transforms the way we relate to our bodies and the physical world around us.

The objects in this interactive installation are intended to activate the internal and seemingly invisible systems of the body, turning the body into a sculptural component of the whole.
Through energetic healing and work with the body they have developed daily meditative rituals to reach a deeper state of presence and awareness; the inner place from which this installation is born. The installation seeks to inspire the visitor to participate in their own transformation. To make conscious that which is unconscious by unveiling what seems invisible.
In the process they have tried to dissipate the dichotomies between masculine and feminine, body and mind, energy and matter, urban and rural, physical and metaphysical; to introduce us into a universe of interdependent relationships.
Uniting different worlds is not an easy path, it recognizes that the project can be a self-proclaimed impossibility. Collisions occur, it is full of dualities and contradictions, yet there are those who think it is worth a try.