Amanda Kay White

Amanda Kay White

Residency period: November 2018

Enamoured by the unfamiliarity of Blanca, Amanda sought to devise ways to map her journey from her apartment to Centro Negra within the confines of Centro Negra, driven by the question: How do we capture our physical collections outside of the body?

Due to the nature of her choreographic practice she is keenly aware of how experiences are embodied in the physical form, but how else can experiences be mapped in the world beyond a set sequence of movements? How do we share these maps with our communities?

Throughout this work Amanda seeks to find ways of intersecting spatial and cognitive processing for the duration of the experience for both herself and the viewer by generating a layered process of embodied understanding. Inscribing movement from the body and projecting it into space through attending to personal moments of perception as well as off-loading her physicality onto the space.

The performance aims to activate the viewer through bodily movement and a visual experience, and by this invites an evolution of seeing and being seen. Through the visualization and projection of our shared experience in the space the threads create a shared map of individual experiences. Together we thread connections between each other, but at the same time show difference of experience and form borders, also influencing the ways in which we can continue our experimentation in the space. Together viewer and performer leave a trace of the time shared together for continued visual or physical discovery.