Anders Bigum

Anders Bigum

Residency Programs: January 2016



collaborator: Troels Primdahl

Desiertos. (Deserts)
What is presented here is a composition – derived from a filmic and conceptual roaming.
The aims of the residency at Centro Negra were to explore new aspects of their collaborative process and research around the idea of the Desert.
A collaboration between the two, where they explore the relationship between the performing art that requires the presence and happens in a particular moment in time – and the world of the filmed image, how they fed and condition each other.
Regarding their relation with the participants, the purpose was not only to portray them, but also to get them involved into actively generating the work itself as an improvised partiture in which Anders and Troels set the stage and give the tone.
The conceptual starting point was the idea of the Desert. This acted as a metaphor for the contemporary individual who is at the same time a hyperconnected and lonely figure. Anders and Troels came to Blanca with the idea of searching for new layers of meaning of this Desert, while exposing their bodies to the physicality of desert-like terrain.
In the research process, the created material generates new vanishing points to follow and to get in deeper.
The football field in Blanca serves as an abstraction of the desert, built out of the earth that composes the landscape, hence, in a subtle way producing the contrasting relations between culture and nature. Beyond its materiality, it is a space thought and designed for the spectacle – a stage that has been reserved mainly for men and contains a spectrum of possibilities which oscillate between a game with friends and the aspiration to stardom.
The intervention of Las Atrevidas (Theater group of elderly women), the teenage orchestra musician and the young dancers, make visible as well as dilute the generational distance, while the contraposition of the solos with the group images brings us back to the initial idea of the desert as a metaphor of the loneliness.
We are in front of a material in which the preconceived ideas are only a starting point and the artists open themselves to the narratives that emerge from the creative process.
Special thanks to Las Atrevidas, the dancers of Zarisa danza and to Ignacio -the orchestra musician.