Andrea Peña

Andrea Peña

Residence period: January-February 2019
Choreography web, Design web, Art direction web

Julay 2018

Andrea interweaves her career as a dancer and choreographer with her training as an industrial designer. At this juncture, she reflects upon interstitial spaces, counter-forms and the choreographic connotations of daily-life objects. By analyzing and cataloging, Andrea raises questions about the levels of imposition or dialogue that these objects provoke in our movements.
In her work, the sculptural connotes the choreographed. The relationship with the prosthetic appears as a meeting point between body and object.

This installation is conceived as a series of studies, through which the artist intends to strike choreographic principles such as repetition, balance or bodies in tension. The mechanical voice of the computer, dissected into phonemes, becomes an artificial body and becomes an additional choreographed component.

August 2018

Andrea interweaves her career as a dancer and choreographer with her training as an industrial designer. At this juncture, she reflects upon interstitial spaces, counter-forms and the choreographic connotations of daily-life objects. By analyzing and cataloging, Andrea raises questions about the levels of imposition or dialogue that these objects provoke in our movements.
In her work, the objects are seen as prosthetic relationships between body, movement and space.

The video and the installation are conceived as alternative choreographic depictions of daily environments. The video piece presents the manual installation process of the bullfighting arena as choreographic bodies of work and labour. On the other hand, this choreographic practice is contrasted with a structural installation brought into the exhibition space. Beams which are regularly used for construction are brought as choreographic objects that dictate bizarre and unusual movement patterns on the bodies that transverse the space.