Andrés Agudelo

Andrés Agudelo

Residency period: January 2021

The work presented by Agudelo is based on an research of the architectural ruins of Blanca. His layered drawings are a metaphor for the palimpsest and the overlap of information that human life constantly creates in territories —especially, in rural ones.
Over the course of a month, he has located and visited a large number of ruins of domestic architecture, to later map them with online geographic information systems. Through this process, he has reduced the 3D spaces to its outlines and zenital views. He has also captured images that suggest a fading of both the shapes and the traditional lifestyles.
Through his graphic work, his photographic collage and a series of videos, Agudelo not only created a body of work with great aesthetic power but also draw attention to our relationship with habitable spaces, raising questions about the legal frameworks that promote new construction over rehabilitation, and the values and social structures that are implicit in the urban policies.