Beatriz Juan Gil

Beatriz Juan Gil

These three dancers come together to create from research. Together they look for a theme that moves them and after many conversations they find “silence” as a concept to explore. Like all concepts, this one is crossed and reconfigured by the diverse subjectivities that produce in each individual different interpretative nuances and unfolds in this way a multitude of imaginaries. Aware of this diversity, they try to find out and interpret these differences.

As a result, they are developing a piece divided into 4 parts and dealing with “silence from different aspects: “history”, “love”, “nature” and “life-death-life”.

The work in residence has substantially affected their way of relating to dance, although they consider technique and discipline a strong support for their artistic expression, they are also aware of the standardization and repetition of patterns to which technical prowess leads, “perfection” is only possible with repetition, but inevitably this kills creativity and probably takes them away from generating a true experience with dance.

For these reasons, here they have taken risks, working with people who have had no relationship with dance and, placing themselves in the abyss of silence, they try to forget what they have learned to listen to the body and the space and let themselves be flooded by all this movement or staticity to express themselves in a being instead of acting.