Carlos Cegarra

Carlos Cegarra

Cruce Programme: December 2021

Solve et coagula

A comedian without an audience puts away his masks in times of pandemic. Locked in his attic, a conference interpreter connects people from different parts of the planet. An obsessed citizen dives into the web in search of information to make sense of this historical present. An artist finds in deep silence a means of expression. A man digs into his memory in the hope of mapping what brought him here.

Carlos Cegarra wishes to explore the meaning, both on an individual and collective level, of the two alchemical processes that give this piece its name. On the one hand, we have a social order dissolving before our eyes. On the other, we have the protagonist of this self-fiction trying to coagulate fragments of his life with which to construct a narrative to hold on to.

Before beginning his residence in Blanca, Carlos determines that this time constitutes a decidedly liminal space, a threshold of passage that allows him to shift the limits of his perception of himself and his work. As a fundamental axis of the residency, a close collaboration is established with Selu Herráiz, who, beyond his contribution as a sound creator, will help to shape a process of artistic and experiential transformation. Jesús Victoria joins them as the third musical leg of the project.

The arrival at Centro Negra precipitates a series of events within the community of residents. At the same time as it dissolves momentarily, attitudes, relationships and pieces of a puzzle crystallise, interweaving real events and episodes that belong to the realm of the emotional and the imagined.

This story and its protagonist represent a mere example of the many transformative processes that are taking place in our society as a consequence of the political, social and health crisis we are going through.