Ceola Tunstall-Behrens

Ceola Tunstall-Behrens

Residency period: January-March 2021

Kairos Me

Ceola is a sound artist, designer and vocalist working in the fields of experience art and design.

During her residency at AADK, Ceola has spent a lot of time reading, researching and trying out new things, such as overtone singing and experimenting with electronic music making. Pondering over the relation between sound and space and thinking of sound as matter capable of holding onto and archiving time.

Ceola has been exploring the soundscape and landscape by exercising deep listening, taking field recording and experimenting with the voice. Through this embodied and empirical research, she has reflected on her interrelation and struggle with the demands of time and the persistent reminder of its passing.

For the Open Studios, Ceola would like to share some of her process, recordings and research with you in an experiential way. She invites you to join her for a live, improvised broadcast at Midday, Saturday 27th February 2021. Get up high and tune in to the broadcast online, via your phone.

Residency supported by Oppenheim-John Downes Memorial Trust