Diana Duta

Diana Duta

Residency Program: March 2022



While in Blanca, Diana has been working on a collection of songs that deal with departures, the presence of absence, the language of ‘inanimate’ objects and folkloric traditions.

Exhibiting room-recorded live compositions, Diana brings together different realities merging her own voice with songs of other times, plus sounds of the space in which the encounter is taking place.

Having as inspiration very different sources, from the Greek lyric poetry of Sappho (of which only fragments remain today) to Ogham, an ancient Irish alphabet inscribed on stone or wood, these all come together as markings of loss and longing.

a wave from a distance,
sounds feel filtered

original location is nowhere –
but washing over me,
inviting itself to me,

following the peaks
and the valleys.

With the support of Wallonie-Bruxelles International (WBI)