Elizabeth Neira

Elizabeth Neira

Residence period: August 2019

Elisabeth Neira works with various media but especially performance.
During her residency with AADK she has made incursions into the public space to developed an action were meaning modifies according to the context.
With these actions she addresses one of the multiple expressions of colonialism and patriarchy, in which the aim justifies the means: economic development does not stop in the face of ethical issues regardless of the consequences of its production machinery. And the privileges of some are sustained in the subjugation of others until the asphyxiation, either through the exploitation of resources or the annihilation of the rights of a part of humanity.

For this open studios, Neira presents a video of these actions and develops a durational performance in which the body assumes the limit to which we are exposing the planet.

The plastic pollution and the lack of water are expressions of these systems which Neiras works are pointing at.