Functioning & Resources

Functioning & Resources


Centro Negra is located in:
Calle del Castillo, 30 Blanca 30540 Murcia, Spain


The shared house Edom is located in:
Calle Ortega y Gasset, 5, 30540 Blanca, Murcia, Spain

Contact numbers

Elena Azzedin +34 647479338 (Residency Program Director)
Giuliana Grippo +34 11671117 (Residency Program Coordinator & Responsible for Communication)
Hanna Szabó +36 2027 12189 (Manager – Residency Program and Cruce Program)
Josman P#: +34 686 807 633 (Production manager)

You can reach us via Whatsapp!

Emergency numbers

Local Police Tel. +34 629 60 60 00 / +34 968 45 90 90
Health Center Tel. +34 968 45 92 02
Ambulance Tel. +34 968 45 45 45
Emergencies (Urgent police attention, ambulance, fire brigade, etc.) 112 (no area code)
Report theft, robbery, damages, fraud to the police 902 102 112
Traffic information (road accidents or information about weather and traffic congestion) 011


Find other useful contacts here.

Other useful numbers

Polideportivo Municipal (Sports Pavilion): +34 968 45 92 41
SMG / Ceb & Si (Sebastián), computer, phone reparation: +34 606 81 86 26
Innograf Cieza, printing services: +34 968 76 00 69

Social media accounts of local authorities

It might be a good idea to follow the social media accounts of the Blanca Townhall (Ayuntamiento de Blanca – Facebook) and of the local police (Policía Local – Facebook). You might find useful information about events, festivities, and also updates regarding parking restrictions, etc.


If staying in CN, you will be given a set of keys containing: a key for your apartment, a key for the main gate, a key to access the main building (trough space 6 or another door), a key for the laundry area and, depending on your apartment, a key for your backyard. Please have in mind that some doors of the apartments can’t be opened without the key.
If staying in EDOM, you will receive a set containing: a key for the main door and a key to access CN.
Any other special key, as well as the specific one for each space should be asked to the team. No key can be removed from the inside doors of the center.
If you don’t return your keys set at the end of your stay, 20 euros will be discounted from the deposit.

Basic functioning of Centro Negra

You can use the working spaces at any time. Please have in mind that after 12.00pm you are not allowed to make loud noises.
There is a small kitchen space in Centro Negra. In case you use any dishes or kitchen items, please wash them and put them back to their place immediately after. Clean the stove after each use.Avoid leaving food supplies around or in the fridge. They will be discarded.
Please note that during open studio nights and in any other event, in case food and drinks are sold, we all pay the same price for them (this includes both residents and the team).
It is everyone’s responsibility to keep common spaces clean and tidy. If places are not properly cared for, we might charge a weekly cleaning fee (per person, no matter who was responsible for it).
We encourage you to talk with your fellow artists in case of any problems regarding the co-habitability. If problems persist, please communicate it to the team.
Always take your personal belongings and valuable items with you, do not leave them in the space.
If you are the last person to leave a space (either personal or common spaces), please double check that all doors are locked and that the lights and air-conditioners are off.
Tap water is drinkable in both Centro Negra and EDOM.

Artist studios

Centro Negra has interconnected spaces, therefore artists might have to pass through each other’s studios. Please in case you need to cross someone’s studio, try to do it discretely, without disturbing them.


Do not leave valuables, electronic appliances and artworks on the floor or near the walls in case of rainy weather! Due to the specific structure of the building (the roof is connected to the mountain side, etc.), water might enter if there is heavy rain.

Help preserve energy!

If you are the last one to leave Centro Negra, please check that all lights and air-conditioners are off. Same applies to Edom, please do not leave the lights on if no one is there.

Smoking is not permitted inside Centro Negra and Edom

In Centro Negra: please, use our inner yard or enjoy the view outside and empty your ashtrays after use. Remember to lock the door after.
In Edom: you can smoke on the patio. Empty ashtrays after use.

Terrace and patios

Please do not leave your personal belongings in the terrace or any of the patios. As any other common area, make sure to keep it tidy. Also, from 10pm on please respect the resting of the other residents and locals.

Washing clothes

You can do laundry in the storage room and in EDOM. Washing supplies can be found in the shelves next to the machine or on the top of the machine. We ask you to collaborate with 1€ per washing to maintain this service. You will find a small box/glass in which you can put the money. Please do washing during the day, preferably from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, and from 5.00pm to 9.00pm.

Guest policy

We are happy to welcome visitors, but we cannot afford extra costs. You can invite one person in your room for up to 3 nights per month (only in case you stay for a minimum of one month). However, after the 3rd night we would charge 15 euros per night per guest. In case of requiring longer stays, more than one guest or an extra room/bed, please communicate in advance with the team. They will inform you about the correspondent costs.

Extra nights

If you would like to stay longer (out of the days written in your contract) there will be a fee of 25€ per night if staying in an apartment, and of 20€ per night if staying in EDOM. In the case of extending the stay for more than one person (ej. collectives), these fees will increment in 10€ per night per extra person.
These conditions are subject to availability of the space.

Clean up of spaces before departure

If you participate in the Residency Program, you are required to clean up your apartment or your room in EDOM before you leave (this includes cupboards, the shower, and fridge). If you don’t have time to do it yourself, please let us know one week in advance so that we can book a cleaner. Notice that up to 50€ will be discounted from your deposit for this service. When leaving, please bring your sheets and towels to the washing machine. We would appreciate it if you could also hang them after washing. If it isn’t possible because of departure timing, just let us know.


If you participate in the Cruce Program and you have booked accommodation, the check-out cleaning is included in the service.
However, we are going to ask you to leave your accommodation and working space clean and as you found them upon arrival.

Shopping in Blanca

Remember: From 2 pm until 5 pm most shops are closed (this is lunch and siesta time). Also, almost all shops are closed on Sunday. The shop ‘Kevin’ on the main street is an exception. Conchi opens Sunday mornings too.
Please have in mind that these schedules can vary during summer.


-Conchi Store: from Monday to Friday. It opens at 9.30 am until 2pm, and from 6pm until 9pm. On Sundays only from 9am until 2pm.
Address: Calle Ortega y Gasset.
-Supermarkets & other shops: Dia, Charters, and Sandi From Monday to Saturday. 9am to 2pm & 6pm to 9pm
– Open Market on Thursdays from 9am until 1.30pm


Paper and copies Victor. Open Monday to Saturdays from 10 to 2 and from 5 to 9. Address: Calle Frutas de Levante (in front of the big parking lot).


Electronics shop CEB&SI (Sebas), address: Calle de Gran Vía, 45B

Bar & Restaurant recommendations
  • Bar Sondos (food, tapas, drinks), address: C. Cervantes, 30540 Blanca, Murcia
  • Pub Millenium (light food like burger with marinated tuna, toast, brioche, quality wines, local Vermouth and other drinks), address: C. Cervantes, 4, 30540 Blanca, Murcia
  • Siglo XX (lunch and dinner), address: C. Juan Ramón Jiménez, 3, 30540 Blanca, Murcia
  • La Salvaora Bar & Tapas (food, tapas, drinks, open on weekends between Friday evening – Sunday lunchtime), address: Parque Municipal, 30540 Blanca, Murcia
  • Bar Mucab (food, Sundays also paella if you reserve it in advance, mainly open at lunchtime), address: Av. Río Segura, s/n, 30540 Blanca, Murcia
  • 4 Esquinas (lunch – seafood, mainly open at lunchtime), address: C. Nueva de Blanca, 23, 30540 Blanca, Murcia
  • Dulcinea (food), address: Calle de Gran Vía, 46, 30540 Blanca, Murcia
  • Cafe Bar Valentin (tapas): Calle Dr. Marañón, 2, 30540 Blanca, Murcia
  • Pico Esquina (breakfast, coffee), address: C. Cervantes, on the corner between Bar Sondos and Pub Millenium
  • La Bruja (ice cream, breakfast), address: C. Nueva de Blanca
  • El Gato Pardo (drinks), address: C. Constitución, 7, 30540 Blanca, Murcia
Transport information

For more information regarding planning your travel to Blanca, check out this link.


-Alicante International Airport, 1h distance to Murcia.
-Madrid International Airport, 4,5 h distance to Murcia.
-Barcelona International Airport, 7 h distance to Murcia.


Buses Blanca-Murcia (see schedules in our How to arrive information)


If travelling by train from/to Madrid, have in mind that some lines stop in Cieza and you can book a taxi to pick you up there.


Blanca taxis
Tel: +34 626 57 99 97 (Rafael) / Tel: +34 639 23 89 91 (Valentin)


Car rentals
-Rent a car Centaur
-Ok Rentacar

Cultural venues in Blanca

– Fundación Pedro Cano: museum of the most famous painter in the town as permanent exhibition + temporary exhibitions.
– MUCAB: cultural center where senior women theater group meets, music classes and some computer working spaces. Kindergarten.

Cultural venues in Murcia & Ceutí

Centro Párraga
Puertas de Castilla (SONM archive of experimental music)
– Teatro Circo
– Palacio Almudi
Sala Verónicas

Independent cultural spaces:
– Los pájaros
– La peña flamenca

Cultural Venues In Ceutí:
La conservera

Art shops in Murcia

Angie Meca
Address: Calle Torre de Romo, 8, 30002 Murcia
Phone: +34 968 22 55 48
La Tienda Cajón De Arte /
Address: Calle Doctor José Tapia Sanz, 2. 30001, Murcia

If you have any suggestions or extra info that you think can be helpful for future residents, we would be happy to include it here. Please email it to
Enjoy your stay!