Jakob Kudsk Steensen

Jakob Kudsk Steensen

Residency Programs: June and July 2015


June and July

Video installation multicanal
What appeals to Jakob is the “silence” of the surrounding landscapes, the relationships between the idea of a “forgotten place”, the biology of vegetations and the architecture.

At Centro Negra Kudsk found the opportunity to travel the landscapes alone, video­recording and writing notes in his journal based on observations of the landscapes.

The videos he presents here are the first sketches of an idea that formed as he worked, namely the collapse of the fictions that tourism has created. On one hand, the dream northern Europe has of an affordable paradise, imagining themselves under the shade of a palm tree, and on the other, the Spanish dream of economic development – investing everything into creating this fiction.

The images captured by J. Kudsk Steensen present the impact that those fantasies have printed in the economy and in the landscape.