Javier Calderón Lecaros

Javier Calderón Lecaros

Period of residency: July-August 2021
Residency realised in collaboration with Camila Almarza Ramírez

Instagram Javier C. Lecaros, Instagram irreverante collective

July 2021

The PIELES project is the research that Javier and Camila are developing for this residence. The project arises from the need to find different variables that position the body as a “living installation” in inhabiting a specific space and in its conscious link with the concept of body-territory.

The piece they are developing is composed by a series of performative actions that address the state of movement through the symbolic creation of “skins”.

Today three principles are inhabited: the circular, the collapse and the fall. With it, an attempt is made to open up symbolic possibilities of a journey that embarks on the search for new and diverse “SKINS” -the skin of the mountain, of the trees, of Blanca.

August 2021

In Blanca, Camila and Javier develop an investigation for their project “Pieles” (Skins). In it, they seek to find new gestural repertoire based on devices that condition the movement.
They use the idea of ​​”skin” as that which contains us, protects us and acts as a bridge between us and the reality outside our body.

In Blanca, they have collected elements of the natural environment – stones, leaves, bark – to generate devices that build other corporalities.

This action of wearing the skin of a foreign landscape which modulates the behaviors and motor skills works as a metaphor of how our social conditions push us to blur our own skin – elderly, racialized, feminine, trans – to assume other skins that provide us a stronger sense of belonging.