Kris Limbach

Kris Limbach

Festival ROTA – Residency period: June 2024

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Kris Limbach (born in 1978) is an audiovisual artist, film maker and curator. Thinking audiovisual art coming from experimental sound, he is heavily involved in film projects, constantly exploring formats and aesthetics of cinema and audiovisual media. He curates, together with Pierce Warnecke and Seiji Morimoto, the emitter micro label and emitter micro festival, a biennial experimental sound Festival in Berlin. He curates evenings of experimental music and performance in various places, ranging from an emitter night at the Kontakte19 festival at Akademie der Künste to the expanded Television streaming Festival T.A.T.V. at Ausland Berlin. At the moment he is finishing his 3rd experimental feature film “Ohnmacht” that will be premiered in Fall 2024.