Lindsay Hopkins

Lindsay Hopkins

Residency Programme: September 2016

The Territory of Living

Lindsay and Adam come to Centro Negra to explore the relationship between the material world and the immaterial. They are searching for a way in which to incorporate the languages of both…The body is Lindsay’s field of work, through performance and body healing, while Adam’s focus is on the space and the landscape; in this research, they are trying to find how the traces of life’s events are contained in the body, and to integrate those experiences with intention into the material world. The Territory of Living investigates how we shape the spaces we live in, and how to reframe the relationship we have with our bodies, the natural environment, and our daily activities within those spaces. Many of us would like to be more connected to nature and the places around us but we live busy lives facilitated by convenience and consumption. We’re interested in creating a space to participate in that transforms both how we relate to our bodies and the surrounding physical world. The material objects of this interactive installation are meant to activate the internal and seemingly invisible systems of the body, making the body a sculptural component of the whole. Through energy healing and bodywork they have been developing daily meditative rituals, bringing them into deeper states of presence and consciousness: the internal place from which the installations are born. It seeks to inspire the viewer to participate in their own transformation. To make conscious that which is unconscious by uncovering that which seems invisible.
They are trying to dissipate the dichotomies between the masculine and the feminine, between body and mind, energy and material, urban and rural, physical and metaphysical; to introduce us to a universe of interdependent relationships.
Merging different worlds is not an easy path to choose, they recognize the project may be a self-proclaimed impossibility. It is a collision. It is full of dualities and contradictions. Still there are those who believe that it’s worth trying.