Lorenza Manfredi

Lorenza Manfredi

Residency Programme: March 2016


Lugares de descanso activo
(Places for active rest)
Lugares de descanso activo is the second moment of the “Talkative graffiti project”, an ongoing research on individual and collective imaginaries and narratives present in public spaces of defined contexts.
In the town of Blanca a special use of space has been identified in the un/productive spending of time in the public place. The inhabitants get involved in the process of study and understanding through an unloose kind of open conversation or interview by the artist.
The places located or showed by the users will be put on a show through the applications of small mirrors in the exact locations: through those placements people are observing the cities and they reflect them through their own perception. All those places and stories will be collected in a unique itinerary through the city, alternative to the classical touristic one and presented during the open studios.