Lucie Chan

Lucie Chan

Residency Program: July 2015

Daily Strategies For Happiness
Projection. Installation.
In her process she tries to scratch diverse surfaces, of both the residents and the
team that occupies the Centro Negra. This scratching gives rise to poetic drawings that
act as collective stories in dialogue, overlapping and relating.
Collective stories are more powerful than what a single layer brings. They become a silent animation, representative of the short period that passes with others, and what can emerge at that time.

Relating the red of the animations with the happiness, the heat and the speed; how
time flies when we experience many things at once. She also proposes that the residents and the team share their daily happiness with her, and has begun to explore – through writing, illustration and
animations – the work to be developed on her return to Canada.
“I am interested in intimate and fleeting interaction with strangers. Finding through
narratives the closeness that emerges. To perform the written text with intent
to create images in those who listen”