Lucille Calmel

Lucille Calmel

Residency Program : April 2016


Lucille is a performer and Net-artist whose latest research is about what gathers people in internet and why. Being the cats one of the trend topics, she finds that this interest works around a taste consensus, the cuteness of the cats and the shallowness of the theme avoids all confrontations or political thinking.
Been in Blanca she found a community of cats around Centro Negra, and this makes her think about the non-human life in the neighbourhood.
Her proposal is an installation / performance where a text of Derrida will be written with cat food on the street. In this text Derrida describes the modesty of a nude man in front of a cat -a reflection about the relationship between our humanity and our animality.
In Lucille´s action, she confronts the animal reaction-covering the basic need of eating, with the human rationalization -writing a philosophical text.