Mark Buitenwerf

Mark Buitenwerf

Residency Programme: April 2017


LCD Cinema: The Smallest Cinema in the World

Besides many other experiments that the audience can see and play with, for the first time Mark wants to share one of his outcomes – LCD Cinema.
LCD Cinema also uses screens for its movies like the name implies. These screens are normally used for calculators, digital scales, watches and cheap handheld gaming devices.
Mark hacked the LCD screens and now he is making short movies that hand coded pixel by pixel. In times of high resolution, virtual reality and hyperreality.
Can one capture the attention with 28 pixels? It is possible to tell a story with any given matter and in any imagined format.
The capacity of synthesis and the close relationship between viewer and the image make this interface a very unique experience.
The challenge of this artwork is in the limitation. Its power is in the absence.