Marta Rabadan

Marta Rabadan

Residency Programme: April 2017

collaborator: Elena Azzedin

Body, Spaciality, Territory
AADK Shows part of its archive divided in the three lines of investigation that the artists who have worked in Centro Negra have developed.
For body, they present a network that joins crochet pieces made by the neighbors of thePeña Negra in the last autumn evenings. The idea was to have an excuse to re-occupy the street collectively by “laboring” together” —a lost habit of the neighborhood— updating their former techniques with new aims and new media.
For space, two cubes have been created with found fragments of the surrounding poultry yards, these pieces show the creativity and the constructive knowledge of times before the specialization. They show the remains of a world about to disappear that contains an enormous potential to be reactivated with contemporary needs and vision.
For territory, a sinuous piece has been generated that evokes the river by its material and its form, an accident that vertebra the territory and that as the piece is based on a fragile balance.
The process of realization of two of these pieces speak of the artisan and collective processes that mostly the women have shared, a repetitive, meticulous, undervalued work that has filled our lives with beauty and useful things.