nikoLFO / Nicolas Lefort

nikoLFO / Nicolas Lefort

Residency period: January-March 2021
Collaborator: Monaí de Paula Antunes
Website  / Vimeo / Soundcloud / Archipel Community Radio

February 2021

Zomia (House Of Sounds Blanca 26.02.2021) is a short range FM radio ecosystem exploring the material-epistemological aspect of radio transmission. It expends on the idea of sounding situated knowledges into a performative environment where the space-place is played by the visitors (as in playing a musical instrument) with sound material emanating from radio interferences (presence of bodies in space) as well as from field recordings, text and music composition recorded in Blanca.

Radio ecosystem, field recordings and composition by Niko de Paula Lefort with text by Ceola Tunstall-Behrens

March 2021

NikoLFO is a sound artist who plays with radio waves and ranges of frequencies using different sound instruments, field recordings and any sound matter to affect and be affected in unexpected ways.

“For the closing performance of my residency in Blanca, I  would like to tell some of the monstrously beautiful and tentacular stories of the aurality I share and care for, a diffraction of the time spent at Centro Negra, of a lifetime in sounding and listening, of a life of encounters with humans and more-than-humans; condensed in the thick now of the performance.”