Patricia Woltmann

Patricia Woltmann

Residency Program: March 2022 – April 2022



March 2022
One of the fundamental human capacities is the tactile perception of the world. The haptic perception which includes the understanding of what we touch requires an active exploration, by body movement.

This is the field that Patricia is investigating during her residency with AADK.
The conscious touching and its relationship with absence and presence. When touching something we become something larger than ourselves, then where do we end? Are the world surrounding matters of the world temporary exoskeletons? And would this perception affect the way we relate to other subjects/objects? Can these daily actions of touching become more mindful and caring? Can we reconsider the relevance of the body as the main medium to correlate? Bodies are more important than words, bodies speak directly.

For this open studio Patricia Woltmann with the collaboration of Lisa Lotte Giebel will share the first attempts to address these topics by their own body explorations and with one another.

Collaborator: Lisa Lotte Giebel (Bonn / Leipzig, DE)

Dis-Tanz-Solo Stipend
Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media in the program NEUSTART KULTUR, aid program DIS-TANZEN of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland

April 2022
For this open studio, Patricia presents a work-in-progress -mainly a solo in which the format is already the challenge.

After years of choreographing for groups, the pandemic has drawn a new landscape in which new methods and questions have emerged.

While in her first month of the residency she was working on “the touch” and the haptic perception -which requires an active exploration by body movement; this month she focuses on the presence and the absence as well as the different ways a trained body can react to concepts.

We are definitely inhabited by emotions and experiences, they are placed in the body, unconsciously and unwillingly. But can we recall these often unconscious states? Can we inhabit a concept and emotion?

As with the pandemic conditions, working collectively has shifted to embarking on solo work, for this occasion, she has developed a method in which she answers with the body to a verbal and rational language, creating bridges between these two languages and expanding, as in poetry, its possible meanings.

What Patricia shares in this Open Studio, starts with a collaboration with other residents bringing an action from her workshop in which she smoothly brings together individual bodies into a one, bigger, multiple organism. In this action, a strong listening and sensitivity are required, underlining our interdependence as social creatures.

In her solo, the relationships have to be with the material world surrounding us, as well as the endlessly expanding conceptual world.

Daisy Jordan, Ana Carucci, Lydia Thompson y Phoebe Van Essche (Dance)
Music: Varoujan Cheterian

Dis-Tanz-Solo Stipend
Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media in the program NEUSTART KULTUR, aid program DIS-TANZEN of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland