Gabrielle Zimmermann

Gabrielle Zimmermann

Residency programme: January 2018


Zimmermann is interested in understanding the societies through their garbage.
When working in Blanca, Gabrielle experienced the beauty of the landscape in the Ricote Valley which was quickly impaired by the realisation of the problems with dryness and lack of water resources this region faces. This has led to her research in how the contemporary society has adapted a disregardful behaviour toward water consumption, such as the large demand of bottled water due to its convenience and the only remaining alternative being low quality tap water in the region. Yet, the harmful ecological and environmental impacts of this plastic demand are ignored. One way of lengthening the life cycle of a plastic rubbish, such as bottles, is by reusing it. Though, the result of the bottled water consumption and the lack of recycling practices is presented in her work as a sea of plastic. A misguidedly beautifully shiny and glossy surface that raises the question of how long humans and nature can co-exist in this unbalanced relationship.