Sergio Jair Méndez Ramírez

Sergio Jair Méndez Ramírez

Residency Programme: March 2016


La odisea Apátrida. (The Stateless Odyssey) Performance-installation.

La odisea Apátrida was conceived as a theater project that seeks to affect fiction by reality, where he resorts to the figure of Odyssee to talk about the situation of the stateless.

The stateless are those who – for diverse political circumstances – are not recognized by any State as citizen.
This situation that dehumanize the bodies proves a failure of the System, which raises many questions. What does it mean to belong to a country? How can the affections be managed when the law doesn’t cover you? How and where a lost country could be found? What can be done if one does not identify with one’s nation? Where a new country could be built? How not to reproduce a bureaucratic apparatus that exceeds the being?
Sharing these questions in the residency, with Blanca´s inhabitants, and having the chance to go deeper in this research drove him to develop a series of performative acts: Resigning to the nation in a symbolic act, or declaring a Temporary Autonomous Zone, creating its own rules and icons, fosters an imaginative act which allows us to think in other possible models of co-existence.