Severine Beata

Severine Beata

Festival ROTA – Período de residencia: noviembre – diciembre 2023

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Severine Beata, pseudonym of Marta Peláez Corchs, is a musicologist, teacher and artist whose work is built from sound experimentation – often based on melodies and folk music cycles -, creating pieces that oscillate between minimalism, sci-fi ambient and noise. Among the instruments she usually works with, the use of analogue and digital synthesizers stands out, highlighting the manipulation of live devices. Marta made a very complete work, as she combined the use of technology, research in the territory and work with communities, adapted to the local. During her creative process, she collected sounds of indigenous bird species and songs of the local folk group La Capaza. She created a series of compositions mixing locally recorded sounds with her usual synthesised waves. In addition, the artist developed a mathematical algorithm as the basis of her composition, a methodology she intends to expand in her future works.

Actividad realizada con la colaboración de Acción Cultural Española