Sofian Jouini

Sofian Jouini

Residency period: August 2018
Residency realised in collaboration with Amélie Créac’h

Amelie and Sofian have created an atmosphere where they present parts of their research along the residency.

This research went from daily uses and games to mobility of the elites opposed to the working classes’, re-enacted in fictional settings.

By creating an imaginary territory for their ideas to live and evolve, they protect themselves from rationality and clichés, allowing their experimental research to move as they move, pause as they pause and reflect as they reflect. They consider themselves as activators of spaces and bodies; their main focus is to seek how to create a proper atmosphere for the public to unleash their own creativity, body awareness, intuition.

This installation is composed like a spontaneous medley of the fields they are exploring here in Blanca.