Stefanie Loveday

Stefanie Loveday

Residency period: May-June 2021
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May 2021

Sound performance (work-in-progress)
The project is centred on the concept of friction within the landscape.
The contrast between the green vegetation and pine forest with the semi-desert landscape surrounding Blanca has deeply captured the attention of Stefanie.
Using contact mics, loopers and synths, Loveday generates a soundscape made with the friction and resonances of natural objects.
Her drifts in the forests, dry river beds, dusty mountains, and pink salty lakes, have provided images and sounds with which Stefanie brings into the exhibition space our particular mediterranean landscape.

Rotting fruits and hot roof tiles,
dust, pink salt water,
and the wind blowing through pine trees

June 2021

Video triptych & Sound performance

While last month’s work explored the borders between the desert environments and the forested areas of the valley, this month’s pieces explore the extractivist relationship between civilization and the land.
A video triptych shows areas where surpluses from agriculture accumulate, marble mines and greenhouses. With this, Loveday shows how humans modify the landscape in a resounding way to meet the needs of a globalized world.
The landscape of the area has imprinted sounds and images on her. Now she brings them to the exhibition space as impressions of our peculiar Mediterranean location.
Using contact microphones, loopers and synthesizers, Stefanie generates a soundscape that incorporates friction and the resonances of different natural elements.
Her sounds give voice to elements that we can recognize, acting as mediators with the strangeness that we perceive when listening to modular synthesis.