Sylvie Laplante

Sylvie Laplante

Residency Program: March 2016


Palabras Seguras

Sylvie Laplante has an obsession with maps because they are interpretations of the territory unable to reflect the life contained in it. This limitation was what has driven her to develop a work consisting in making trajectories. She chooses a line on a map and dives into the reality it represents, to later create her own maps, as a constant attempt to transfer the experience itself.

Her first contact with Blanca, was again, through the observation on a map. From Canada, reading Google Maps, she tried to understand how the place where she was coming to work for two months would be. This bird’s-eye view shows a town vertebrate by a river and stimulates to imagine the life that revolves around.

Laplante proposes to use the river as a vehicle to give prominence to its inhabitants, in which their names and anecdotes hover in the water as if it were a line of the History.

The technical development of the piece and the process of collecting the stories, made her apprehend the town’s way of life as well as the conditioning natural elements she had to deal with; the air, the current or the flow of the river.

“Both words Segura and Palabras carry within the opposite senses of fluidity and solidity, of security and impermanence. The river itself is time passing by and everything it carries vanishes despite the fact that the river seems to remain constant”.