Alba Valladares Ramírez

Alba Valladares Ramírez

Residency period: December 2019

How do you define art, life, nature, sex, running? Is running/coming vital? Is nature living art? Is art to run sexually? What all these concepts have in common is the framework of the experience lived with, by and through the body. The skin as an interface and means of communication allows the constant dialogue that I engage with the landscape when running/coming through it. The ecoqueer body goes through this action in which the relationships are multiple and rhizomatic. Landscape and body are inhabited. They share the skin.

Sexuality is a way of interpreting my runs through the mountains of Blanca, a way to formalize the agreement of equality, reciprocity, consent, collaboration and care between flesh-bodies and mountain-bodies. The ecosystem as a concept here refers to the marriage alliance. Corrida ( A cum / a run)  is an invitation to rethink the terms that make up the sporting, artistic and sexual act, which are all institutionalized. The institutions impose forms of relationship and normalizes the anti-dialog.

Feeling the earth-territory-profile with the skin gets you involved, entering in a meditative trance…is this sex between different epidermal orders?