Navina Neverla

Navina Neverla

Residency Programme: August – September 2016


August 2016

With Pablo López Jordán (Paisaje sonoro)
Navina´s research starts from a film work en S8 “Sauerbrunn – A farewell from paradise”. A portrait of her vacation place in Austria which reflects the lost paradise of the childhood to talk about the “impermanent”.
During her stay with AADK, she attempts to deconstruct the usual film exhibition format and generate interactive devices where including the body and activate the personal memory of each participant.
Confronted with a radically different landscape the rough rocks of Blanca and the semi desertic climate collides with the green a smooth surrounding that she is used to. These feeling of displacement is the first matter that she founds to start working in the second part of her project. For this Open Studio, she reactivates the movie overlapping it within a total different surface and extracting elements which she “translates” into new ones she finds in this culture.

“What is happiness? Happiness comes to you like a free bird. You are not supposed to hold on to it or catch it. But instead you are meant to care for it and cherish it. It is like a present that you receive from the universe or nature.” [Female voice over]

September 2016

With the collaboration of Pablo López Jordán (Murcia).
Sauerbrunn – Or how to build a swing out of memories

Navina Neverla is researching about memory and how much of our present is conformed by it. Every experience is nourished by former ones.
Navina creates an environment in which to make place to the senses one by one. When you get rid off the predominant sense, the sight, the others accentuate, and connect you stronger with the memory.
Navina disposes a series of artworks made previously with soundtracks based on text written during the residency. These texts speak about memories which don’t stay in the past, which visit us through an image, a smell, a sound, and they displace us from the present in the most unexpected moment.

The installation, composed by disconnected fragments, tempts to leave space to the audience to make their own associations and navigate in their own memory.

Pablo López Jordán, has collaborated in the project making the sound design of the S8 film included in the installation, and how creates the sound ambience creating a subtle an oniric scape.