Sarah Rose Guitian Nederlof

Sarah Rose Guitian Nederlof

Residency period: April-May 2021
Website  / Instagram

April 2021

The (in)visibility of the ordinary

This series of sculptures arranged like a museum display or an archaeological excavation, are elements of contemporary daily life, destined, like so many others, to disappear.

Sarah Rose is an artist who often uses photography in her work, since this medium allows her to observe and capture details that usually go unnoticed. She now experiments with other means, but her attention continues to be on the little or the overlooked things. Not only does she try to capture time through these elements, but her process also involves a recognition of their forms and a dedication that pays homage to the invisible, emphasizing its aesthetic value and establishing non-hierarchical relationships with the objects that coexist along us.

The reconstruction of miniature objects reminds us of souvenirs: objects that contain our nostalgia of an experience in a certain place and, at the same time, a reification or commodification of history and tradition.

May 2021

Sarah presents a video performance made in Blanca’s landscape.

Drawing our attention to the everyday objects is a constant in her art. In these months the main objects with which she has worked were plastic bags. By portraying them in a sculptural way, she urged us to rediscover their physical qualities —their shape, their texture— thus, she renewed our gaze towards the object, stripping it of its original use.

In her second month of residency, she incorporates new elements to this exploration. She introduces, for the first time in her practice, the body. She also projects psychological aspects on the object —personality and emotions.

From a series of improvisations in different parts of the landscape, Sarah manages to give voice to these bags by initiating an emotional, non-verbal dialogue, each time differently expressed.

Passage 1: “Encounters that no one except chance was able to predict”, is the first of several passages in which Sarah tells us about intimate relationships. Each passage is an emotion, a story of a moment in space and time.